Discover the Stefani Linea Ceramic Water Purifier!

The solution for drinking purified water at home has arrived!

The Stefani Linea Ceramic Water Purifier is way better than those containers and filters you've been buying at the grocery store.

This amazingly well-made beauty is basically a ceramic water crock that reduces fungus, bacteria and all those things that you don't want in your drinking water. Which is why you wanted to get a water purifier and filtration system in the first place.

Because it's made out of terracotta, your water stays cool, unlike those awful (and harmful) plastic ones you've been using over the years.

And test regsults from water quality labs have certified that the Stefani products remove and reduce impurities and contaminants such as of bacteria, amoeba, copper, lead, chlorine, iron, zinc, bromoform, dichlorobormomethane, aluminum, chloroform, dibromoclormethane, dieldrine and lindane. I don't know what all of those are either, but I'm pretty sure I don't want 'em in my water!

And instead of having to refill some itty bitty water jug in your fridge every 2 days or have to remember to turn your tap filter off when you're doing the dishes (never happens!), this is truly a more economical and feasible way of having good clean water at home.

The container has a capacity of over 2 gallons, so you can not only drink to your heart's content, but you can cook with clean water too (which as an avid cook, I truly appreciate!).

It will seriously become one of the most used items in your home.

Buy the Stefani Linea or other ceramic water crocks here and here and finally have clean water at home that's economical and stress-free.



Anonymous said...

You can buy Stefani Water Filters at

Thank you!

elizabeth said...

It's a great product. -Love the fact that it isn't plastic! YAY.
Water tastes good.

gottheknack said...

Hi Elizabeth,

I'm so glad you like it! Thanks so much for sharing!

Warmest wishes,



Copyright © the knack | Stephanie Dickison 2019.