Discover From Piles to Smiles Professional Organizing Services

You want to be an organized person. I know you do. But you need a little bit of help.

You're going to want to follow Sue Becker's advice over at From Piles to Smiles. This amazing site is full of resources and is expertly focused into the specific area that needs help - Your Home, Your Office, Your Life, and Your Business.

I am absolutely stunned by the thoroughness of The APPLES Resource Guide by Sue Becker. This thick, wire-bound book is chock-full of resources that give you "the tools and guidance to organize your home and office, simplify your life, and feel in control instead of overwhelmed."

The APPLES System that Sue created is, "APPLES each day keep the clutter away:"

Arrange similar items
Pare down
Put things in logical places
Locate containers
Enhance with labels and
Sustain your system

The resource guide is divided into 3 sections, for easy access - My Home, My Office and My Life. Each section begins with a brief skills survey to help you recognize the areas in which you need help. Then, you'll find practical checklists, forms and other tools to help you along. Every checklist and form is also on the CD (nice touch!).

What is so fantastic about this system is that we often get stuck when we don't know where to start or what to do next. These checklists and forms do that work for you! Take the Room Organizing Checklist for Closets, for example. It includes everything to go through in your clothes, hall, utility and linen closets! How amazing is that? And there is a check list for each and every room. And I love the simple Grocery List that is itemized by category - brilliant!

I have to say that Sue's Possible Household File Categories are fantastic. The best way to keep on top of things is to have places to put your paperwork. Her tips and suggestions ensure that you'll be able to find things when you need them! And the Out-the-Door Checklist for Work is great for those of you who are always scrambling at the last minute and always sure that you're forgetting something.

The Bonus section includes everything you need to throw a successful party or garage sale and a Vacation and Travel Checklist that you will use for the rest of your life. In other words, it is a book that will give you the life you want and deserve - all in easy, manageable tips and forms.
Also included in this resources guide is a free 10 minute consultation with Sue Becker.

What the heck are you waiting for?

If you need a little inspiration, Conversations on Success will get you going! There are 11 lengthy, info-packed Chapters with industry leaders (grab a pen or highlighter - you're going to want to take notes!), but you'll especially want to check out Chapter 4, as Sue Becker gives fantastic advice on how to manage your work and home life to great success.

And you'll want to get yourself some Action Notes as well. I love that these colourful blue and yellow sticky notes give you the direction you need to get things done. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and suddenly, you're not only on track but way ahead of schedule! You've gotta know that I'm completely addicted to these babies....

Shop from Piles to Smiles and select a package that will help you get organized - finally!


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Copyright © the knack | Stephanie Dickison 2019.