Simply Gum - The Tastiest Gum Also Happens to be All Natural

I am an avid gum chewer. I always have been. In grade school I downed chalky hard pieces of Bazooka Joe like they were being rationed. In grade nine, I swallowed each soft gooey piece of Hubba Bubba not long after it had entered my mouth. My parents admonished me, but it fell upon silent ears. I couldn't get enough of it.

As an adult, I still chew gum like a fiend - from early morning until lunch, and then after lunch until dinner. And then sometimes again after supper. I'm not much of a talker, but my mouth is in constant motion thanks to my incessant gum habit.

And while I have tried natural gums in the past, I am usually let down by a rapidly disappearing flavour (there's nothing worse than flavourless gum) or a weird texture (too silky and it's in the trash, too hard and I'm left with an aching jaw). So when I heard about Simply Gum, I was intrigued but wary. I was however, optimistic by their flavour range.

I am always confounded by the lack of flavours when it comes to gum, salad dressings and ready-made soups, but Simply Gum, made in NYC, has a few flavours that are outside the usual suspects. That definitely gave me hope.

They look like tiny, soft, slightly misshapen brown sugar cubes. You take them right out of the box as they aren't in wrappers like you're used to. They come with little sheets of thin paper like tracing paper for later disposal.

At first chew, it's tough. Like cheap gum tough. But hang in there - it only lasts a second or two and then the softness and flavour bursts through like keen comedian hitting the stage for the first time. 

And the flavours are amazing. I am completely addicted to Fennel Licorice, which also makes me feel slimmer, though I know logically my skinny jeans aren't getting any skinnier.

I have always steered away from cinnamon flavoured things like cinnamon hearts and gum - for me they are searing hot without any flavour. I don't want to be burned by cinnamon, I want to enjoy it. Which is why Simply Gum Cinnamon rocks, because it taste like the spice, which if you haven't heard already, is insanely good for you.

I am also smitten with Coffee as it is not like downing a cup and leaving those in your wake with coffee breath, but instead a fragrant, slightly sweet version of the morning joe - think Häagen-Dazs coffee ice cream. I know, right?

You can always count on Mint. Spearmint, not peppermint that's always too sharp. I want a kiss of minty freshness, not an Arctic blast, winter storm or tsunami of chill.

And while I didn't get to try Maple or Ginger, something tells me I'll be just as taken.

Apart from the awesome flavours and chew factor,  each variety uses six all-natural ingredients - natural chicle base, organic raw cane sugar, organic vegetable glycerin, organic soy lecithin, organic rice flour and natural flavour. This is important because unlike the plastic-filled bubble gums of my youth, Simply Gum doesn't contain any preservatives, synthetics or artificial flavours, so you can actually feel good about chewing it. It's also vegan, biodegradable, and just three calories a piece.

You can find it at stores such as Whole Foods and Williams-Sonoma or you can shop online.

 Either way, next time you see me I'll be no doubt:

1. chewing gum, natch
2. chewing Simply Gum

Shop now.



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