Marvis Toothpaste Flavour Collection - Proof that Variety is the Spice of Life

I first discovered Marvis Toothpaste back in 2011 and then again in 2012.

It remains one of the top products I've tried and now you can enjoy every flavour in the Marvis Flavour Toothpaste Collection, available at Holt Renfrew.

The awesome stain fighting toothpaste created in Italy more than half a century ago (and it hasn't changed a smidge) is now available in a delightful gift pack, ideal for gift giving this season, to pack for your next adventure, or simply to try all original seven flavours and switch it up at home.

The colourful gift pack includes 7 x 25ml tubes, one of each of the following flavours:

- Marvis Classic Strong Mint in green tube - a triple mint that is wildly refreshing.
- Marvis Amarelli Licorice in black tube - it will sweep you off your feet.
- Marvis Cinnamon Mint  in red tube - I don't like the red peppery hotness that cinnamon gum or candy has. This tooth polish is subtle and more refined. If only all cinnamon-flavoured things were like this.
- Marvis Ginger Mint  in orange tube - Again, not fiery hot like actual ginger. Think ginger-esque. Even ginger haters will get on board.
- Marvis Jasmine Mint in violet tube - Floral but not too perfumey. Beautiful and unusual and a welcome change from a lifetime of mint.
- Marvis Aquatic Mint in blue tube - There's mint and then there's aquatic mint. You'll see.
- Marvis Whitening Mint in silver tube - Perfect for date night, when you need that extra boost of confidence, or after that bottle of Rjoja.

Psst! These are powerful, dense polishes, so you need just a little to get your teeth remarkably clean and white.



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